I agree 100%
It is amazing how fast they start... It was 12 degrees out here yesterday morning and I swear it popped off in less than 2 seconds. Only starting @ TDC really helps. Oh and for me it's the potholes and ten speedbumps I go over every day at work. Nice and easy...
Not true... The only way a conventional automatic like the 8 speed in all the BS are cooled is by the torque converter spinning that is being driven by the power of the engine running at idle when the auto start/stop system is turn off at say a stop light. The torque converter is the means that...
Could it possibly be another premature failure based on that well loved Start/Stop technology that I'm sure in 60000 miles has to have saved any owner a grand total of a tank or two of fuel. Their is no way to prove it, but I wonder if Albegro left his BS in the default on for most of that 60k...
14k on the clock, using coolent. I borescoped all 4 cylinders no intrusion found. I'm pretty sure it's not a head or gasket problem. Complete inspection on engine shows no leaks, drips or wet spots any where at all. Everything completely dry. I'm thinking now it's a bad EGR Cooler leaking the...
My only concern is... How all the computer systems on my fully loaded Badlands will react to a change in the number of tire rotation when an emergency stop is implemented utilizing the semi autonomous emergency stopping system. Larger tire height would equal less tire rotations per a given...